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Blas Griego
(Abt 1626-Bef 1699)
Ynéz Romero
(Abt 1630-After 1699)
Agustín Sáez
(1675-Bef 1725)
Antonia Márquez
(-Bef 1709)
Juan Griego
(Abt 1682-1742)
Juliana Sáiz
Juan Griego
(1730-After 1776)


Family Links

1. Juana María de los Dolores Apodaca

2. María Saavedra

Juan Griego

  • Born: 1730, Villa de Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España
  • Marriage (1): Juana María de los Dolores Apodaca on 3 May 1752 in San Felipe de Neri, Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 412
  • Marriage (2): María Saavedra on 17 May 1787 in San Felipe de Neri, Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 412
  • Died: After 1776, Villa de Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España

bullet  General Notes:

Both Francisco and Joquin Griego have been identified as children of Juan Griego and his wife Juana Siaz. In a deed dated 1776, Francisco sells land to his brother Juan and Joquin Griego. Also, a son age 20 named Juan, is listed as living with his mother Juana Siaz on the Spanish Census of 1750.

bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Spanish, 1750, Villa de Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España. 270
Living with Juliana in 1750 were six Griego children: Juan Griego, 20; Mateo Griego, 18; Manuela Griego, 16; Rosa Griego, 11; Silvestre Griego, 10; and Joachin Griego, 8; and also one female servant, an Indian, 40, with four children: Gregorio, 12; Thomas, 10; Gregoria, 6; and Anna, 4; and a 4-year-old orphan named María de la Luz.

• Will: Translation of Juan Giego's Will. 1439
In the name of God Almighty and of the most Holy Virgin and Our Lady, conceived without stain or shadow of the original sin in the first instant of her most pure and natural being, amen.

Be it known that I, Juan Griego, resident of this town of San Felipe de Albuquerque, being sick and in my full mind, memory, and natural understanding, believing, as I firmly do believe, in the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-three" distinct persons and one only true God- and in the rest which our Holy Mother the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church holds, believes, and confesses, in which faith I have lived, and in which I protest to live and die, taking for my intercessor the ever-immaculate most serene Queen of the Angels, Most Holy Mary, Mother of God, and Our Lady, the holy guardian angels of my name and devotion, and the rest of the Celestial Court that they may pray for me to our Lord and Redeemeer, Jesns Christ, that through the merits of His most precious life, passion, and death He will forgive my sins and take my sonl to enjoy His most beatific and holy presence; fearing death, which is natural, and wishing to save my sonl, and to avoid after my death there being doubts and questions, I execute my will in the following form:

First. I commend my soul to God our Lord, who created and redeemed it at the inestimable price of His blood, and my body to the earth, of which it was made, in order that, having been made a corpse and enshrouded in that which may be fonnd, it be buried in the main body of the church of said town.

Item. I direct that on the day of my burial, it being at a proper hour, that I be bnried according to the established rates.

Item. I bequeath to the forced bequests two current dollars of the country to each one. Item. I declare that I was married according to the rites of the church, to Juana Apodaca, now deceased, and we were married forty years, during which marriage we had ten children, and they are, Mariano, now deceased, Maria Griego, Antonio Griego, Mariano Griego, Luz Griego, Lorenzo Griego, Angela Griego, Jose Griego, Cristoval Griego, who is now a captive among the Comanches, Getrudis, now deceased, Miguel Griego, now deceased, Rafael Griego, now deceased.

Item. I declare I was married a second time, to Maria Garcia, during which marriage I had one daughter.

Item. I declare that I leave three hundred and forty-three and three-fourths varus of land, and their boundaries are: On the west the Rio Grande entering a bend (balsafele), on the north, and on the east the lands of my son Marino, on the south the lands of Jeinan Garsia, and on the north the lands of Joaquin Griego.

Item. I also leave a cow with hercalf, and a heifer, and a yoke of oxen.

Item. Also a plow, an ax, and a hoe (cavador); said ax and hoe 1 leave to my son, the bachelor, Jose Griego, with the consent of the other heirs.

Item. Also another cow and a calf, and a calf, and this cow I leave to my wife, she of the second marriage, Maria Garcia, with the consent of her step-children.

Item. Antonio Torres owes me a heifer.

Item. I leave a house with three rooms.

Item. I declare that the said land and the other property it is my last will to leave the land and the other property to all my children; the said land is described in the instruments of writing, and in order to carry out this my will and that which it contains I name for my testamentary executor my son Antonio Griego, and I direct him to pay the parochial dues and forced bequests; and I charge it upon his conscience; and that which he may do shall be as valid as if I should do it; and after this my will shall have been carried out and paid, I constitute as my heirs, sole and universal, my said children in order that they may enjoy it with God's blessing and my own.

And by the present I revoke and annul all wills and other testamentary dispositions which heretofore I may have made, either in writing or by word or in any other form, in order that none be valid nor have judicial or extrajudicial efl'ect excepting the present one, which I desire and direct shall be esteemed as such and as my deliberate and last will in the way and form most valid in law. Thus I executed before the present undersigned lieutenant of the chief alcalde, whom I ask to sign it for me, because I do not know how, in this town of San Felipe de Albuquerque, on the fifteenth of November of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-lour, Felipe Urtado and Antonio Candelaria, residents of the said town, being w itnesses, whom, as well as the testator, I, the said lieutenant of the chief alcalde, certify I know.

By request of the testator.
Vicente López, Lieutenant of the Chief Alcalde.
By request of Felipe Urtado, witness, Teodobo Duhan.

Antonio Candelarta.
Teodoro Duran, by request of Antonio Candelaria.
It agrees with the original which is in the archive nnder my charge, to which I refer and whence I, Don Vicente López, the present lieutenant of the chief alcalde, of the town of San Felipe de Albuquerque, took this copy. In testimony of the truth of which I append my usual signature.

Vicente López

Felipe Urtado
Antonio Candelaria

• Deed. 1469
Translation of deeds from Francisco Griego to Juan and Joaquín Griego

I, Francisco Griego, a resident of the town of Albuquerque, state that I cede in legal sale to my brothers Juan and Joaquin Griego the interest (auMon) in the entrances and exits which belongs to me by inheritance from my deceased father, Juan Griego: Wherefore and as legal heir I relinquish the right that I had to said interest, and I convey it to my two said brothers, which [interest] I sold to them for the price of fourteen dollars of the country, and if the said interest is worth more, of the excess I make to them a gift and donation, pure, simple, perfect, and irrevocable, which I sold to them with the condition that neither I nor my heirs nor any other person can allege property [therein] now or at any other time, and in case they should do so that they shall not be heard either in or out of conrt. Wherefoie I request and charge the Senior Lieutenant Don Baltazar Griego to sauction it by his authority and judicial decree in order that they may thus compel me to fulfill and observe it.

Done on the fifteenth day of the month of October in the present year of 1776
At the request of Francisco Griego and as witness.
Manuel Bernardo Gallego.

Manuel Ribas.

Juan married Juana María de los Dolores Apodaca, daughter of Apodaca and Unknown, on 3 May 1752 in San Felipe de Neri, Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.412 (Juana María de los Dolores Apodaca was born about 1734.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

~ New Mexico's Marriages, San Felipe de Neri Church in Alburquerque, 16 June 1726 ~ 16 January 1855, p 12 412

Juan next married María Saavedra on 17 May 1787 in San Felipe de Neri, Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.412

bullet  Noted events in their marriage were:

• Marriage Record, 18 May 1787, Villa de Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España. 412
Juan Griego, widower of Juana Apodaca, married María Saabedra, widow of Juan Vecente Martínez. Padrinos: Juan Sandobal & María Josefa Apodaca of Villa de Alburquerque.

San Felipe de Neri Marriages, p. 49


© Nancy Lucía López

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