Æthelreda of Northumberland
- Marriage: Donnchad mac Maíl Coluim
- Buried: Dunfermline Abbey, Fife, Scotland
Other names for Æthelreda were Athelreda of Dunbar and Ethelreda of Northumberland.
General Notes:
~Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America before 1700, 8th Edition, 40:22-24, Athelreda of Dunbar, daughter of Gospatric, wife of Duncan, King of Scots and mother of William Fitz Duncan 160
Noted events in her life were:
• Pedigree. 1124 "Pedigree of the Official Earls of Northumberland," A History of Northumberland, Vol. III, Part II, pp. 12-14
| Ucthred = Elfgiva | Aldgitha = Maldred | Gospatric | Ethelreda, queen = Duncan, bastard son of Malcolm Canmore. | William Fitz Duncan = Alice Rumilly
• Web Reference: Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands, Ethereda. Donnchad married Æthereda, daughter of Gospatic Earl of Northumberland. The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that "Waldevus filius comitis Cospatricii" enfeoffed "Waldeve filio Gileminii" with property and "Ethreda sorore sua" [Dugdale Monasticon III, Wetherall Priory, Cumberland, XVI, Cronicon Cumbriæ, p. 585]. The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that "Ethreda sorore Waldevi patris sui" married "Doncani comes de Murrayse" and that their son "Willielmus" succeeded her nephew "Alanus filius Waldevi" [Dugdale Monasticon III, Wetherall Priory, Cumberland, XVI, Cronicon Cumbriæ, p. 585]. Donnchad and Æthereda had at least one son, William Fitz Duncan Alice de Rumilly.
Æthelreda married Donnchad mac Maíl Coluim, son of Máel Coluim mac Donnchada Ard-rí Alban and Ingibjörg. (Donnchad mac Maíl Coluim was born about 1060 in Scotland,841 died on 12 Nov 1094 in Kincardineshire. Scotland 871 and was buried in Dunfermline Abbey, Fife, Scotland.)