Diego de Trujillo
Catalina Márquez Vásquez
Andrés Hurtado Captain
Bernardina de Salas y Trujillo
(Abt 1635-1729)

Martín Hurtado


Family Links

Catalina Varela Jaramillo

Martín Hurtado

  • Born: 1659, Bernalillo, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España 76
  • Marriage: Catalina Varela Jaramillo 252
  • Died: 17 Oct 1734, Alburquerque, Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España at age 75 252

bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Titles.
Martín Hurtado was the first Alcalde Mayor of Alburquerque, New México New México and is considered one of the founding fathers.

• Military Service. 287
Matín Hurtado was listed among the soldiers at the presidio in El Paso in 1693.

~The Royal Crown Restored, p. 170

• Background Information. 252
Martín Hurtado
appears to be the only son of Andrés Hurtado and Bernardina de Salas to return to New Mexico with the reconquest of 1693. Several of his married sisters also returned to New Mexico.

In 1694, he gave his age as thirty-five, and by 1709, he was captain. In 1714, In 1714, he was Alcalde Mayor of Alburquerque. He was married to Catalina Verala Jaramillo and several civil documents mention him. In 1723, he was involved in a political fued between his son-in-law, Ramón García Jurado and Governor Bustamante. Martín died 17 Oct 1734 at tge age of "more than 50."

Martín Hurtado and his wife, Catalina Varela Jarmillo, are mentioned in several baptismal and marriage entries in Alburquerque during his life. They may have had more children, but only two of his daughters are known. One was María who maried Juan Fernández de la Pedrerea, and the other was Bernadina, the second wife of Ramón García Jurado.

~ Origins of New Mexico Families: A Genealogy of the Spanish Colonial Period, p. 197

• Dates & Events. 269
From the Spanish Archives of new New México, Volume 2, p. 192

Martín Jurtado, Santa Fé. 23 Apr 1722, Petition praying for justice relative to some accusations made against hm by Jacinto Sánches for damage done by his cattle.

Martín Hurtado, 23 Feb 1722, Proceedings had upon his resignation as alcalde.

Martín married Catalina Varela Jaramillo, daughter of Pedro Varela Jaramillo Captain and Lucía de Madrid.252 (Catalina Varela Jaramillo was born circa 1670 in Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España and died in Nuevo Méjico, Nueva España.)


© Nancy López

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