María Rodríguez


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Pedro Sánches Sáez de Cháves

María Rodríguez

  • Marriage: Pedro Sánches Sáez de Chávez

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• Dates & Events. 250
There is a document from 1633 in which María Rodríguez referred to herself as "muger legitima que fue de Pedro Saez de Chávez, "difunto" ("legitimate wife of Pedro Sáez de Chávez, deceased") [AHP, Roll 1633A, fr. 634]. She referenced the last will and testament of her husband, indicating he was dead by 1633. She again referred to her husband as "Pedro Saez," rather than Pedro Sánchez, indicating that the Sáez family name came from his side of the family.

María married Pedro Sánchez Sáez de Cháves. (Pedro Sánches Sáez de Cháves was born before 1581 in Almedovar del Campo, España and died before Apr 1632.)


© Nancy Lucía López

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