Juan López de Villasaña
(Abt 1530-)
Ysabel Ruíz
(Abt 1530-)
Juan López
Ana de Flores
Juan López Olguín Villasaña
(1558/59-After 1626)
Catalina de Villanueva
Cristóbal López Olguín


Family Links

Melchora de Carvajal

Cristóbal López Olguín

  • Born: 1607, Los Padillas, Nuevo, Méjico, Nueva España 252
  • Marriage: Melchora de Carvajal

bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Dates & Events. 252
Cristóbal López Olguín was fifty years old in 1667, a native of Santa Fé residing in the Isleta jurisdiction. He was well spoken of by the Padres. His wife was Melchora de Carvajal, and they had a son named Salvador.
~The Origins of New México Families, p. 81

Cristobal Olguín was recalled in 1696 as a bastard son of Juan López Olguín (DM, 1696, nos. 21, 26). Besides Salvador, he and his wife Melchora de Carvajal had another son, Cristóbal II, who was 27 when he married Ana María de Cobos, natural daughter of Agustina de Carvajal, Jan. 28, 1683 (DM, 1683, no. 4). All parents were dead by this time.

~ Origins of New Mexico Families: A Genealogy of the Spanish Colonial Period, Kindle Locations 16409-16412

Cristóbal married Melchora de Carvajal. (Melchora de Carvajal was born in 1617.)


© Nancy López

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This Web Page was Updated 30 Dec 2006