Family Links
John McGuire
- Born: Bef 1681, Ireland
- Marriage: Unknown
- Died: Bef 1759, Kentucky or Virginia
Noted events in his life and other information:
• Background Information: John McGuire, is thought to have been a "king" or chieftain from Ulster in Northern Ireland......hiding in Dublin. His ancestors fled their homes during the "Flight of the Earls" or the "Flight of the Wild Geese" with the O'Neils, O'Donnels and O'Connels after wrongfully being charged with treason by the English crown. The Maguires originally came from Fermanagh, Ulster, Northern Ireland. Family Motto: "justitia et fortitudo invincible sunt" Justice and fortitude are invincible Maguire. Immigrated: Abt. 1750, Ireland to America