Antonio Zamora
(Abt 1544-)
Francisca Lozana
(Abt 1550-)
Juan Alcalá
(Abt 1563-)
Ysabel Zamora
(Abt 1570-)
Juan Alcalá y Zamora
(-After 1623)


Family Links

Leonor de Orozco

Juan Alcalá y Zamora

  • Born: Yelamos, España 250
  • Marriage: Leonor de Orozco
  • Died: After 1623, Valladolid, Michoacán, Nueva España

bullet  General Notes:

Herencia, July 1996, p. 3, 20

bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Family Background. 250
Juan Alcalá y Zamora
and his wife Leonor Orozco both wrote their wills in 1623 at Valladolid, Michoacán, Nueva España. They were the parents of Juan Lucas Alcalá y Orozco.

Juan Alcalá y Zamora was a son of Juan Alcalá and Isabel Zamora, a native of Yelamos, Spain, who came to Nueva España to join her husband. Her record of passage to the New World identified her as a daughter of Antonio Zamora and Francisca Lozana.

Researchers: Ophelia Márquez, Tony Campos, Jiame Holcombe, Mariano González Leal, and José Ignacio Dávila Garibi.

Sources: Ophelia Márquez, "La Familia Vasquez de Lara de Nuevo Mexico con Origen en Nueva Galicia y Michoacan," in Somos Primos (Newsletter of the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research/SHHAR), March and April 1992; Marianao González Leal, Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia, Universidad de Guanajuato, 1983, Vol II: 66-67; Tony Campos and Ophelia Márquez, "Zamora, Michoacán, México, Marriages 1605-1622, 1638-1646," in Genealogical Journal: Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research, Vol. II, 1995:124; Tony Campos and Ophelia Márquez, "Zamora, Michoacán, México, Baptisma (1605-1637) and Extensive Family Genealogies of Zamora and Surrounding Areas," in Genealogical Journal: Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research, Vol. III, 1996:71-150.

• Background Information:
Juan de Alcalá y Zamora and doña Leonor de Orozco had four children, namely:

a) Juliana de la Cruz, Professed Nun in the Convent of Santa Catalina de Sena; in the century, Mariana de Alcalá;
b) Francisca de Santa Gertrudis, who died as a novice; c) Juan Lucas de Alcalá y Orozco, who married doña Juana de la Mora-Hurtado de Mendoza y de Ochoa Garibay, also known as Juana de Aviña y Hurtado de Mendoza, baptized in Zamora on J28 Jan 1616; daughter of don Juan and doña Francisca de la Mora-Hurtado de Mendoza; and they were neighbors of Tlazazalca, in whose jurisdiction they owned ranches';
d) doña Isabel de Alcalá, wife of the peninsular Cristóbal García de Lara.
Source: [Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia: 2. parte ; 3. parte (principio). Diccionario genealógico de las familias alteñas (Abalza-Cano) Volume 2, Part 2 of Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia, Jalisco (Mexico). Mariano González-Leal, Gobierno de Jalisco, Secretaría General de Gobierno, Dirección de Publicaciones, 2010, University of California]

Juan Alcalá y Zamora and his wife Leonor Orozco made their wills in 1623 in Valladolid, New Spain (today Morelia, Michoacán). They were the parents of Juan Lucas Alcalá and Orozco. Juan Alcalá y Zamora was the son of Juan Alcalá and Ysabel Zamora. Ysabel Zarmora, a native of Yelamos in the Kingdoms of Castile, who arrived in New Spain to join her husband. Her record of her passage to the New World identified her as the daughter of Antonio Zamora and Francisca Lozana.

Juan married Leonor de Orozco, daughter of Juan Lucas Morcillo and Isabela de Orozco. (Leonor de Orozco was born in 1574 in Nueva España and died after 1623 in Valladolid, Michoacán, Nueva España.)


© Nancy Lucía López

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