Vitapoi de Bezaume
- Marriage: Guillaume d’Angoulême 1002
Information about this person:
Web Reference: Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands,
Vitapoi de Bezuaume
Vitapoi's married to Guillaume V, comté d'Angoulême is recorded in the Historia Pontificum et Comitum Engolismensis which states "filia Amani seu Amaniei Gasconis . . . Vitapoi"
Vitapoi married Guillaume d’Angoulême, son of Foulques "Taillefer" comté d’Angoulême and Condoha d’Eu.1002 (Guillaume d’Angoulême died in 1120 in Deutz 1002 and was buried in 1120 in Deutz St. Heribert.)