Renaud de Nevers
- Marriage: Enoguen de Vitré 709
- Died: Dec 1101 709
Another name for Renaud was Renaud Seigneur de Nevers et Craon.
Noted events in his life were:
• Web Reference: Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands, Renaud de Nevers. "Domnus Robertus Burgundis" donated half of "ecclesiæ suæ…in pago Credonensi, apud Betulum-Campum…sancti Petri" to La Trinité de Vendôme, for the soul of "Gosfredi comitis senioris sui", by charter dated 16 Jul 1067, signed by "Rotbertus Burgundius et filius eius Rainaldus…" [Vendôme La Trinité, Tome I, CLXXXIV, p. 316]. "Rainaldus filius Roberti Burgundionis et uxor mea Eunoguena filia Roberti de Vitreio, nata de ipsius legali coniuge filia…Warini, naturalis hæredis et domini Credonensis honoris" confirmed the possession of "ecclesia Sancti Clementis…apud Credonum" to La Trinité de Vendôme by charter dated 3 Mar 1070 [Vendôme La Trinité, Tome I, CCXVII, p. 348].
Renaud de Nevers married Enoguen de Vitré daughter of Robert de Vitré and his first wife. "Rainaldus filius Roberti Burgundionis et uxor mea Eunoguena filia Roberti de Vitreio, nata de ipsius legali coniuge filia…Warini, naturalis hæredis et domini Credonensis honoris" confirmed the possession of "ecclesia Sancti Clementis…apud Credonum" to La Trinité de Vendôme by charter dated 3 Mar 1070 [Vendôme La Trinité, Tome I, CCXVII, p. 348].
• From Gen-Medieval Archives. 193 From: Subject: Robert II of France to Maud de Bernake (was CP Addition:..) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 15:22:33 EDT
1 Robert II of France ---------------------------------------- Birth: 27 Mar 0972 Death: 20 Jul 1031 Occ: King of France 996-1031 Father: Hugh 'Capet' of France (ca0941-0996) Mother: Adela [allegedly of Aquitaine] (ca0950-1004)
crowned as King joint with his father, Christmas 987[1] he m. 1stly (as 2nd husband) Rosala-Suzanna of Ivrea (div.), 2ndly Bertha of Burgundy (annulment due to consanguinity), 3rdly Constance of Arles
Spouse: Constance of Arles [3rd wife] Death: 25 Jul 1032 [2] Father: William II, Count of Provence (-0993) Mother: Adela of Anjou (->1026) Marr: bef 25 Aug 1003 [3]
Children: Henry I, King of France (-1060) Adela (-1079), m. Baldwin V of Flanders Robert I, Duke of Burgundy (1011-1075) Hedwig (Hawise) (->1063) Constance, m. Manasses de Ramerupt, count of Dammartin
1.1 Hedwig (Hawise) of France ---------------------------------------- Death: aft 5 Jun 1063[4] "S. Rainaldi, comitis et uxoris ejus Advise" (trans: The mark of Count Raynald and of his wife Advisa). [Peter Stewart, cites _Recueil des chartes de l'abbaye de Cluny_[5]] had the county of Auxerre as her maritagium [Jessee p. 20[3]] cf. ES I Band III, Tafel 716 [called 'Adele' in error][4]
Spouse: Renaud I de Nevers, count of Nevers Death: 24 May 1040, slain at Sainte-Vertu[4],[3] Father: Landre de Maers (-1028) Mother: Mathilda of the Franche-Comte (-1005) Marr: aft 25 Jan 1016[4],[3]
Children: William I (-1100), count of Nevers Robert 'the Burgundian' (->1098) Henri Guy (->1081)
1.1.1 Robert 'the Burgundian' of Nevers[6] ---------------------------------------- Death: aft 1098[7] Occ: vicomte de Sable seigneur de Sable, de jure uxoris seigneur de Craon before 26 Mar 1053 d. on First Crusade, aft 1098[7] his parentage as given is probable: Peter Stewart wrote, concerning this point and identification as probable by Constance Bouchard, ' W Scott Jessee is reasonably more certain on this point: he notes [in *A Missing Capetian Princess: Advisa Daughter of King Robert II of France*, Medieval Prosopography 11 (1990)] that both Guillaume of Nevers and Robert the Burgundian were described in charters as "nepos" to Robert II's son King Henri I. Robert was also called "nepos" to Guillaume's great-aunt Agnès, wife of Geoffroy II Martel, count of Anjou, when at the age of 16 he witnessed a charter of hers. A 13th-century writer, plausibly drawing on an older source for family details, named Robert as one of five brothers along with Guillaume (four of them are attested in other records).'[7]
Further, Peter Stewart noted that Ordericus Vitalis identified Ermengarde, daughter of William of Nevers, as niece (probably 'nepta') of Robert the Burgundian[7]
'Robert le Bourguignon de Nevers'[4] cf. ES I, Band III, Tafel 719[4] Jessee, "Robert the Burgundian and the Counts of Anjou"[3]
Spouse: Hawise de Sable[6] Father: Geoffrey de Sable, vicomte de Sable Children: Renaud (-1101) Robert (-1110), vicomte de Sable Geoffrey Burgonde (->1126) Renaud de Craon ---------------------------------------- Death: Dec 1101[4] Occ: sieur de Craon sieur de Craon et de Sable obtained Craon as his wife's inheritance cf. ES I, Band III, Tafel 719[4]
Spouse: Agnes de Vitre Father: Robert de Vitre, seigneur de Vitre Mother: Bertha de Craon Marr: bef 3 Mar 1070[4]
Children: Maurice (-1116), sieur de Craon Henri Robert Mahaut Guy (-1121) Guy de Craon ---------------------------------------- Death: 1121[8],[9] of Freiston, co. Lincs. 'Wido de Credon', tenant of Ralph de Gael prior to 1075; acquired some of the forfeited lands, thereafter tenant in chief (for Freiston and others) at Domesday Book, 1086 (DP 464)[10]
'Guy de Craon lord of Freiston, d. 1118' - cf. ES I, Band III Tafel 719[4]
Spouse: Isabella Father: Hugh fitz Baldric, of Cottingham, co. Yorks. Children: Alan (-ca1155) Lisious Emma Alice Alan de Craon ---------------------------------------- Death: ca 1155[8] of Freiston, co. Lincs.
'Alan de Creun', founder of Freiston priory, as a cell of Crowland Abbey (to which church of Freiston was granted, 1114][11] 'A. Credonensis et Muriel uxor eius', benefactor of Spalding priory together with his wife[11]
'Alan lord of Freiston ' - cf. ES I, Band III Tafel 719[4]
Spouse: Muriel de Beauchamp[8] Children: Maurice (-1188) de Craon, lord of Freiston Cecilia Cecilia de Craon ---------------------------------------- cf. DD 417[11] Spouse: William fitz Simon, of Woodthorp, co. Lincs. Children: Alan fitz William Alan fitz William de Woodthorp ---------------------------------------- of Woodthorp, co. Lincs. Children: Thomas Thomas de Woodthorp ---------------------------------------- of Woodthorp, co. Lincs.
Children: Sir William (-<1263) Sir William de Woodthorp ---------------------------------------- Death: bef 1263, d.s.p.m.[12] of Woodthorp, co. Lincs. held 1/6 of a knight's fee in Saleby, co. Lincs.[13],[12]
Children: Maud Elizabeth Alice Maud de Woodthorp ---------------------------------------- coheir of her father cf. MichaelAnne Guido[12] Spouse: Hugh de Bernake Children: Sir William (-1339) Sir William de Bernake ---------------------------------------- Death: 1339[14] cf. MichaelAnne Guido[12] Spouse: Alice de Driby[15] Birth: bef 1279[16] Father: Sir Robert de Driby (-<1280) Mother: Joan de Tateshal (->1305)
Children: Sir John (~1309-1345) Maud Robert
1. Pierre Riche (trans. by Michael I. Allen), "The Carolingians," Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. 2. Christian Settipani, "Trente-Deux Quartiers Ahnenreihe for Eleanor of Aquitaine," 6 Sept 1998,, (rsponse to D.Spencer Hines, same subject, 2 Sept1998. 3. W. Scott Jessee, "Robert the Burgundian and the Counts of Anjou, ca. 1025-1098," Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2000. 4. Detlev Schewennicke, "Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge," [ " European Family Trees: Family Trees for the History of European States, New Series " ], Marburg, Germany: Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, 1978-1995 [3rd series], First series by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, continued second series by Frank, Baron Freytag von Loringhoven. 5. Peter Stewart, "Adèle, dau. of Robert II," 25 June 2003,, cites no. 92, diploma of Robert's son King Henry I, in Diplomata belgica ante annum millesimum centesimum script, edited by Maurits Gysseling & Anton Koch, 2 vols, Bouwstoffen en Studiën voor de Geschiedenis en de Lexicografie van het Nederlands 1. 6. Todd A. Farmerie, "Ralph de Fougeres and Ralph du Mans," Oct 24, 1997, 7. Peter Stewart, "Re: Guy de Nevers," June 17, 2002, email, (paper copy: library of John Ravilious, cites 'Robert the Burgundian and the Counts of Anjou, ca. 1025-1098 (Washington, 2000), re: career of Robert; also W. Scott Jessee, A Missing Capetian Princess: Advisa Daughter of King Robert II of France*, Medieval Prosopography 11 (1990), also discussion by others (Todd Farmerie and Joan Burdyck). 8. Kay Allen, AG, "Re: [Fwd: Dakeny, NO. Craon, yes?]," April 22, 2002, email, (paper copy: library of John Ravilious, cites Sheppard, who cites Moriarty's Notebooks 9, 10, 1nd 12;, Clay's Early Yorkshire Charters, and Blore's Rutland. 9. I. J. Sanders, "English Baronies: A Study of Their Origin and Descent, 1086-1327," Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960. 10. Katherine S. B. Keats-Rohan, "Domesday People," The Boydell Press, 1999, Vol. I: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166. 11. K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, "Domesday Descendants," The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2002, cited by Rosie Bevan, 'Re: de Stuteville' Jul 2, 2002, p. 723 (Osmund de Stuteville), full title: Domesday Descendants: A Prosopography of Persons, Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166: Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum. 12. MichaelAnne Guido, "Re: Kirkton," 16 May 2004, cites A History of the villages of Aisthorpe and Thorpe in the Fallows by CW Foster, MA, Canon of Lincoln, J.W. Ruddock and Sons 1927., also contributions by Rosie Bevan and Patricia Junkin. 13. John P. Ravilious, "Re: Kirkton," 16 May 2004, cites contribution by Michael Anne Guido (same thread), also contributions by Rosie Bevan and Patricia Junkin. 14. Paul C. Reed, "Driby," Society of Medieval Genealogy(, 22 June 1999, posted on 15. Frederick L. Weis, Th. D., "The Magna Carta Sureties, 1215," Baltimore: Gen Pub Co., 5th ed., 1997 (W. L. Sheppard Jr & David Faris).
Renaud married Enoguen de Vitré, daughter of Robert Seigneur de Vitré and Mademoiselle de Craon.709 (Enoguen de Vitré was born about 1056 in Vitre, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne and died after 28 Jan 1078 709.)