Alda Fernández Turrichão
- Marriage: Nuño Pérez Maldonado
Noted events in her life were:
• Reference: Felipe de la Gándara, Nobiliario, Armas, y Triunfos de Galicia, pp. 516-517
The oldest of this family is García de Sorred who married doña Urraca de Ron and they had a son, Payo Méndez Sorred. Payo married Elvira Gudins, the daughter of don Gudiño Fafes Serracin de Laáoso and his wife doña Oroa Mendes de Berganza.
The son of Payo and Elvira was Mendo Péaz Sorred, señor de casa, who was likely with Alfonso VII at the conquest of Almeria. Mendo married doña Ynés Pérez de Ambia, daughter of Pedro Paéz de Ambia and his wife, María Fernández, the daughter of Fernando Yánez de Gundias. The son of don Mendo and doña Ynés was Payo Médez.
Payo Médez, señor de casa Sotomayer married doña Ermesenda Núñez, daughter of Nuño Pérez Maldonado and doña Aldara Turrichão. The children of Payo and doña Ermesenda were don Alvaro Paéz de Sotomayor, Ruy Paéa de Sotomayor, Mendo Paéz de Sotomayor, Gonçalo Paéz, doña María Paéz de Sotomayor and doña Teresa Paéz de Sotomayor.
• Reference: Francisco Antonio de Alarcón, Nobiliario del Conde de Barcelos, Don Pedro, Hijo del Rey Don Dionis de Portugal, pp. 236, 383, 386
Doña Alda Fernández Turrichão was the daughter of Fernán Pérez Turrichão and his wife doña Terresa Pérez the daughter of Pedro Núñez Vello and doña María Yanez. Doña Alda Fernández married Nuño Pérez Maldoado.
Alda married Nuño Pérez Maldonado, son of Pedro Arias de Aldana señor de Aldana and Elvira González Osorio.